Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Efforts to Correct this National Problem
A legal attempt is being coordinated by the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) to curb the illegal locksmiths operating across America. They plant themselves in business by using illegal marketing tactics. This first includes obtaining a phone number and attaching it to a false address with a phony locksmith name. They then spread this information through a website, by entering it on all search engines, all online directories and all data providers. All of the mentioned listing services do nothing to verify the authenticity and validity of the information. It seems our governments, local, state and federal do nothing to enforce any state licensing for locksmiths or consumer protection laws (you may not use a flase address to advertise your business, you must not bait and switch, you muts pay all state sales tax, all federal taxes, your business must be propertly registered in each respective state, and so on). The illegal locksmiths, some may have a less flattering name for them, by using the new advertising media are actively taking away market share of those who play by the rules. It is hard to competet with 4000 bogus company listings, to the public, real listings, when you only have one truthful one. In effect, thousands of service calls are diverted to the illegal locksmiths listings, costing the honest locksmiths and consumers millions every month. Through our efforts, we iwll stop the illegal locksmiths by hiring lawyers to force Telcos, search engines, and online and print directories to stop the illegal practice of listing false addresses. If we can take away the source of the revenue, we will end this horrific practice. We, through our legal efforts, will institute lawsuits with monetary consequences for all involved, including enablers and the perpetrators themselves. Only together can we do this. Source: www.aloa.org/taskforce

The Captain is sharing this information with you so that you, the consumer, are not ripped off by these unscrupulous predators because that is what they are. They prey on innocent people during their time of need. They use the bait and switch technique by quoting a really low price over the phone but once they get on-site the charge astronomical prices and use aggressive actions to collect the money. PLEASE BEWARE!!

Remember to Call the Captain First with all of your locksmith needs. We are a local company and we use fair business practices when dealing with our customers. We are here for the citizens of this great parish. GEAUX LOCAL!!

1 comment:

jonesalbert said...

I really enjoy reading the post, thanks for sharing I really like it, I already bookmarked it, thank you guys.

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